Statement of Faith of Toowoomba Christian Assembly

  1. We believe the Bible (the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament) to be divinely inspired and the only basis for what we believe as Christians (as stated in the following paragraphs) and how we should live as Christians.
  2. We believe in the trinity of divine persons – the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of God who all equally share in the attributes of deity. At the same time we believe there is only one God.
  3. We believe that God created all things as described in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. We believe that Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God and are the parents of the whole human race.
  4. We believe that because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and death entered into the world, and as a result, all human beings became sinful and need to be saved.
  5. We believe that God loved the human race so much that he sent his only Son into the world to save sinners.
  6. We believe in the virgin birth of the Son of God, that he was named Jesus; we believe in his real humanity and also that he never ceased to be divine; we believe in his perfect sinless life and we believe that he was crucified and voluntarily died as an atoning sacrifice to save
    us from our sins.
  7. We believe that he was raised from the dead, that he ascended into heaven and sat down on the right hand of God, his Father, and that he has been exalted to be Lord of all.
  8. We believe that following the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ the Gospel (the good news of salvation) is to be proclaimed in the entire world. We believe that in the Gospel, God offers salvation to sinners on the basis of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ apart from any efforts of their own.
  9. We believe that the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father on the Day of Pentecost to indwell and empower believers to proclaim the Gospel and to live fruitful Christian lives and to baptise those who believe into the body of Christ (the church in its universal sense).
  10. We believe that those who are saved, by accepting the offer of salvation proclaimed in the Gospel, should imitate the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and live according to his teachings.
  11. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will come again and, the dead in Christ will be raised, and, believers who are alive at the time of His coming will be caught up and gathered together with all the redeemed, to be forever with the Lord. We believe his coming will be
    personal and that believers should live in daily expectancy of his coming.
  12. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will reign throughout the universe as King of kings and Lord of Lords and that his Kingdom will have no end.
  13. We believe that the destiny of those who are saved through Christ is eternal life and the destiny of those who die in their sins is punishment with everlasting destruction.